Intro to Wire Harness Design I

Unleash the potential of wire harness design with our course led by IPC-certified expert Didem Üstün. This two-week intensive program transforms newcomers into skilled designers ready to tackle the complicated challenges of the modern wire harness industry. From the basics of harness types and components to advanced skills in wiring diagram creation and troubleshooting, this course covers all the essential knowledge and skills. With a blend of interactive webinars, hands-on exercises, and access to IPC's latest standards, participants will gain the confidence and expertise needed to enhance the success and speed of product development in their fields. Enroll now to step into a world of innovation and ensure your designs are not just functional but futuristic.

Member Price
Nonmember Price

90 Days From Enrollment
  • Course Level: Introductory

  • Training Time

    2 weeks (4 two-hour online instructor-led sessions)
  • Certificate of Completion

  • Seasonal Enrollment

    Access for 90 Days


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