Effective Onboarding Training
Saves Time and Money

Assembly training prepares new operators and engineers to perform duties related to the manufacturing of printed circuit board assemblies (PCBA), wire and cable harness assemblies and the handling of electronic components and production equipment. Develop a training program where all new hires get standardized, industry-developed training that ensures a common vocabulary and fundamental knowledge. Courses contain optional modules for cross-training that creates a more flexible workforce.


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Electronics Assembly for Engineers
Engineers make decisions every day that impact manufacturing. Make sure it's a positive impact by introducing the key concepts, tools, materials, and processes critical for engineers to succeed in electronics assembly.
Electronics Assembly for Operators
This course introduces the key concepts, tools, materials, and processes that operators need to know to do their best work. Participants can complete the core set of modules to receive their certificate of qualification, then select among nine voluntary modules for process-specific training.
Wire Harness Assembly for Operators
Learn a specific set of knowledge and skills that every operator needs to build quality wires and cable harnesses all contained in as little as 16 hours of training.
Introduction to IPC-WHMA-A-620 for Operators
This course provides a practical introduction to the terms, concepts, and acceptability criteria of the IPC/WHMA-A-620 standard as they apply to the role of the operator.
Intro to IPC-J-STD-001
This course provides a practical introduction to the terms, concepts, and acceptability requirements of the IPC J-STD-001 standard as they apply to the role of the operator.
Intro to IPC-610 for Operators
This course provides a practical introduction to the terms, concepts, and acceptability criteria of the IPC-A-610 standard as they apply to the role of the operator.