Certified Electronics Program Manager (CEPM) Training Program and Certification Exam Bundle

In the highly competitive electronics industry, the knowledge and skills of staff directly responsible for client services and program management can make or break the bottom line. The IPC Certified Electronics Program Manager (CEPM) course is designed to ensure that your team has the tools and training they need to provide service that ensures clients for life. Taught by an IPC-certified industry expert with 30 years of experience in the field, the six-week program utilizes interactive webinars, on-demand recorded training, job-specific exercises, and team projects to facilitate mastery of the key business and technical concepts required of program managers in the electronics industry.

Precio para miembros
Nonmember Price

90 Días a partir de la Inscripción
  • Nivel del Curso: Intermediate

  • Tiempo del Curso

    6 weeks (12 two-hour online instructor-led sessions)
  • Certificado Obtenido

    Certification: Certified IPC Electronics Program Manager
  • Seasonal Enrollment

    Acceso durante 90 Días


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