Ensuring Excellence: J-STD-001 Process Optimization

Master the Essential Standards of Electronics Assembly and Improve Quality Across Your Organization

Equip your team with the skills needed to consistently meet assembly requirements, enhance product reliability, and drive business growth. Dive into a detailed exploration of process control methodologies using the IPC-J-STD-001 Standard and its Handbook to consistently conform to acceptance criteria across all stages of the assembly process. Implement this training to transform theoretical knowledge into practical skills and enhance proficiency and confidence in handling complex assembly tasks on the production floor.


Precio para miembros
Nonmember Price

90 Días a partir de la Inscripción
  • Nivel del Curso: Intermediate

  • Tiempo del Curso

    10 modules: 8 hours
  • Certificado Obtenido

  • Inscripción continua

    Acceso durante 90 Días


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