Electronics assembly plant using machine data analytics to improve production outcomes.
In this course, we will review the data produced by factory machines such as SMT and test equipment and how AI tools can be leveraged to assist with the analysis and interpretation of the data. The course is designed around practical, interactive learning experiences with an anonymized real-world dataset and freely available analysis and visualization tools.  AI agents and copilots will be directly created live in the course using UI tools to visually illustrate the concepts and show what is possible with current technologies.
Counterfeit Electronics Course image
In industries where precision and reliability are non-negotiable, from healthcare to automotive, aerospace, and beyond, the presence of counterfeit electronic components can spell disaster. Not only do these components have the potential to cause significant financial loss, but they also pose serious risks to safety and could be life-threatening.
Tin Whiskers
This course provides a holistic coverage on relevant aspects of tin whiskers, including both physical and phenomenal occurrences, as well as fundamental scientific perspectives. We’ll explore various measures to mitigate tin whiskers, as well as their relative effectiveness, and encourage you to join us in questioning and discussing ideas for future solutions.