Wire harness design image
Unleash the potential of wire harness design with our course led by IPC-certified expert Didem Üstün. This two-week intensive program transforms newcomers into skilled designers ready to tackle the complicated challenges of the modern wire harness industry.
Intro to PCBD for Manufacturability
This series of ten micro-modules introduce some of the key concepts required to optimize the design of printed circuit boards for manufacture. If you'd like to learn more after completing the series, consider consider taking the IPC Design for Manufacturability course.
Intro to PCB Design I
Taught by an IPC-certified industry expert with more than 25 years of experience in the field, this 6-week online program introduces participants to the concepts and skills required to create real-world designs that comply with IPC standards. This introductory course will focus on front-end design concepts such as schematic capture, library parts creation, basic electrical engineering concepts, and documentaion.
Intro to PCB Design I
In un settore altamente competitivo come quello dell'elettronica, le conoscenze e le competenze di chi progetta il layout del circuito stampato (PCB) e del suo assemblaggio (PBA) hanno un impatto diretto sul successo o sul fallimento del prodotto e incide sul time-to-market. Il corso online sui Fondamenti di PCB IPC è progettato per fornire le competenze necessarie per creare schemi che rispecchino accuratamente l’intento progettuale e la conformità agli standard IPC per la documentazione dello schema.
Wire Harness Assembly for Operators
Learn a specific set of knowledge and skills that every operator needs to build quality wires and cable harnesses all contained in as little as 16 hours of training.