CFX 100 Series
CFX 100 is the first in this 3-part educational series designed to build IPC-CFX expertise. These short, engaging courses provide a comprehensive overview of CFX and machine communication as well as the base requirements for you and your company to get started with CFX. By the end of the series, you will be ready to start sending IPC-CFX messages.
CFX 101
This introductory module provides an overview of CFX and addresses some fundamental questions, including: What exactly is CFX? Who benefits from CFX? and What challenges does CFX address?
Component ID
In this course, participants will learn how to identify and determine the value of the most common electronic components used in PCB assembly, as well as how to use component markings and assembly documentation to ensure their correct orientation and placement.
ESD stickers in a gloved hand on the manufacturing floor
Présentez aux participants les causes des décharges électrostatiques et les mesures que vous pouvez prendre pour atténuer leurs effets lors de la manipulation, du stockage ou du transport de composants sensibles aux décharges électrostatiques dans une usine de fabrication. Ces mesures préventives et leur application sont basées sur ANSI/ESD S20.20 et d'autres normes pertinentes.
Key labeled Danger on manufacturing equipment
ESD stickers in a gloved hand on the manufacturing floor
能够运用关键工具、材料和工艺流程设计来预防和控制生产场所内的 ESD 影 响。
FOD-Lint-thumbnail 16x9
本课程向参与者介绍 FOD 的成因及在组装车间处理、储存或运输物品时减轻 FOD 影响您可以采 取的步骤。
FOD-Lint-thumbnail 16x9
Ce cours présente aux participants les causes des DOE, ainsi que les mesures que vous pouvez prendre pour atténuer leurs effets lors de la manipulation, du stockage ou du transport d’articles dans une usine de fabrication.
E-Textiles Exchange
IPC E-Textiles Exchange is a free and open online community for the e-textiles industry to learn, collaborate, and engage. Each month, IPC will post new video presentations and Deeper Dive discussions with subject matter experts from around the world. The community also includes a discussion board for members to interact with others in the IPC E-Textiles Exchange community.
Electronics Assembly for Engineers
Engineers make decisions every day that impact manufacturing. Make sure it's a positive impact by introducing the key concepts, tools, materials, and processes critical for engineers to succeed in electronics assembly.
Electronics Assembly for Operators
This course introduces the key concepts, tools, materials, and processes that operators need to know to do their best work. Participants can complete the core set of modules to receive their certificate of qualification, then select among nine voluntary modules for process-specific training.
Electronics Assembly for Operators
Este curso multimedia exclusivo utiliza estrategias educativas comprobadas para proporcionar el conocimiento y las habilidades específicos de la tarea que todo operador necesita para producir placas de calidad en tan solo 20 horas.
Engineer performing a visual check inspection
Help your team enhance product reliability, reduce rework and scrap, and ensure customer satisfaction. This comprehensive overview of process control methodology will empower technicians and engineers to utilize the IPC-A-610 Standard and its associated Handbook to consistently meet acceptance criteria throughout the assembly process.
Engineer performing a visual check inspection
A comprehensive overview of process control methodology including how to utilize the IPC-J-STD-001 Standard and its associated Handbook to consistently conform to acceptance criteria throughout the assembly process.
ESD stickers in a gloved hand on the manufacturing floor
This course introduces participants to the causes of ESD and the steps you can take to mitigate its effects when handling, storing or transporting ESD-sensitive components in a manufacturing facility. These preventive measures and their application are based on ANSI/ESD S20.20 and other relevant standards.
ESD stickers in a gloved hand on the manufacturing floor
Stellen Sie den Teilnehmern die Ursachen von ESD und die Maßnahmen vor, die Sie ergreifen können, um ihre Auswirkungen bei der Handhabung, Lagerung oder dem Transport von ESD-empfindlichen Komponenten in einer Produktionsstätte zu mindern. Diese vorbeugenden Maßnahmen und ihre Anwendung basieren auf ANSI/ESD S20.20 und anderen relevanten Standards.
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Dieser Kurs macht die Teilnehmer mit den Ursachen von Ablagerungen von Fremdpartikeln (FOD) und den Maßnahmen vertraut, die Sie ergreifen können, um die Auswirkungen von FOD bei der Handhabung, der Lagerung oder dem Transport von Gegenständen in einer Fertigungsstätte zu verringern.
FOD-Lint-thumbnail 16x9
This course introduces participants to the causes of Foreign Object Debris (FOD) and the steps you can take to mitigate its effects when handling, storing, or transporting items in a manufacturing facility. After completing this course, you will be able to employ the key tools, materials, and processes designed to prevent and control the effects of FOD within a manufacturing facility.
Printed Circuit Board
This two to four-hour course facilitates mastery of the key concepts required for successful printed circuit board troubleshooting and defect analysis.
Inspector reviewing a PCB Assembly
This Inspection of Electronic Assemblies: Introduction course trains participants to perform "incoming inspection" using the essential tools, materials, and processes that deliver consistent quality products. Completion of this course delivers a professional level of proficiency in acceptability standards, inspection methods and tools, documentation, and component characteristics. 
Intro to PCBD for Manufacturability
This series of ten micro-modules introduce some of the key concepts required to optimize the design of printed circuit boards for manufacture. If you'd like to learn more after completing the series, consider consider taking the IPC Design for Manufacturability course.
Intro to IPC-610 for Operators
This course provides a practical introduction to the terms, concepts, and acceptability criteria of the IPC-A-610 standard as they apply to the role of the operator.
Intro to IPC-J-STD-001
This course provides a practical introduction to the terms, concepts, and acceptability requirements of the IPC J-STD-001 standard as they apply to the role of the operator.
blue printed circuit board
Onboarding manufacturing engineers new to the electronics industry can be a daunting task. What if you had a self-paced course that provides a comprehensive overview of the roles and responsibilities of manufacturing engineers in our industry? IPC worked with industry subject-matter experts and instructional designers to create an introductory course that takes approximately 3-1/2 hours to complete. In addition to understanding the role, participants will also learn to use documentation control systems, product identification, and product traceability.
Stencil printing a PCB board with solder paste
A comprehensive overview of the stencil printing process for a manufacturing engineer. Participants will learn how to select and store solder pastes & adhesives. They will also learn how to create and maintain stencils, the function of the stencil printer, as well as how to set up the stencil printer for a new product introduction, or NPI, run.
pick and place machine
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the surface mount assembly process including information on component considerations, selecting and setting up pick and place machines, and the reflow process. Participants can take this content-specific course to learn more about the role of manufacturing engineers regardless of company size and industry sector.
Resister lead bent by a plyer tool
This course provides a comprehensive overview of component preparation, tool selection, manual component insertion, and automated component insertion in electronics assembly with through-hole components. Participants can take this content-specific course to learn more about the role of manufacturing engineers regardless of company size and industry sector.  
Electronics Manufacturing floor
In the competitive printed circuit board fabrication industry, high reliability and high yields are crucial for profitability. That's why process and manufacturing engineers involved in fabrication, assembly, and procurement need to have the necessary knowledge and skills to produce and evaluate top-quality printed circuit boards. This includes understanding materials, chemical processes, equipment parameters, and their impact on board quality. After completing this course, you will be able to: Identify and correct control processes that negatively affect circuit board quality Establish the root cause of potential defects to minimize and prevent loss of quality Recognize the interrelationships of PCB materials, processes, and equipment and how these relationships affect PCB and PCA quality Identify the root cause and corrective action for PCB defects, such as interconnect separation, delamination, wedge voids, plating folds, microvoids, surface pitting, and hole wall pull-away Identify the root cause and corrective action for electrodeposition defects, such as mouse bites, pitting, and domed or crown plating Identify the root cause and corrective action for solderability and assembly-related issues, such as outgassing, black pad, creep corrosion, and blow holes
PCB Fab for Operators
Master the essentials of PCB Fabrication for Operators with a course that guides you step-by-step through each phase of the process. You’ll gain practical, in-depth knowledge about everything from inner-layer fabrication and lamination to solder mask application, surface finishes, and final testing
Key labeled Danger on manufacturing equipment
This course is ideal for operators, technicians, supervisory personnel and other staff members that must consistently and effectively employ the key tools, materials, and processes designed to keep workers safe within a manufacturing facility.
Key labeled Danger on manufacturing equipment
Ce cours présente aux participants les pratiques de sécurité et les risques professionnels les plus courants dans la fabrication de produits électroniques. Après avoir terminé ce cours, les participants seront en mesure d'utiliser les principaux outils, matériaux et processus conçus pour assurer votre sécurité et celle de vos collègues dans une usine de fabrication.
Key labeled Danger on manufacturing equipment
Dieser Kurs macht die Teilnehmer mit den häufigsten Sicherheitspraktiken und Gefahren am Arbeitsplatz in der Elektronikfertigung vertraut. Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses sind Sie in der Lage, die wichtigsten Instrumente, Materialien und Verfahren, die für Ihre eigene Sicherheit und die Ihrer Mitarbeiter in einer Produktionsanlage vorgesehen sind, einzusetzen.
Hand soldering
Learn how to create industry acceptable solder joints for through-hole and surface mount chip and gull wing components. This innovative multimedia course capitalizes on the power of the hear-see-do methodology to equip students with actionable techniques and best practices they can immediately apply on the job. Students will learn key concepts, tools, and techniques, then use the accompanying practice and project boards, available here, to practice and demonstrate their new skills.
Soldering Safety
Learn how to mitigate the health and safety risks associated with soldering. The course covers various topics, including the hazards related to soldering tools and materials, implementing effective safety measures, and maintaining a safe soldering environment.
Introduction to IPC-WHMA-A-620 for Operators
This course provides a practical introduction to the terms, concepts, and acceptability criteria of the IPC/WHMA-A-620 standard as they apply to the role of the operator.
Wire Harness Assembly for Operators
Learn a specific set of knowledge and skills that every operator needs to build quality wires and cable harnesses all contained in as little as 16 hours of training.