Electronics Assembly for Engineers

Deliver Years of Manufacturing Experience with One Course

Your engineers make decisions every day that have an impact on manufacturing. Make sure it's a positive impact by introducing the key concepts, tools, materials, and processes critical for engineers working in electronics assembly. This course is designed to encompass the entire assembly process, including a selection of modules to address the current needs and future goals of engineers and organizations.

Advanced Design Concepts is accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board under ANSI/ASTM E2659-18, Standard Practice for Certificate Programs.

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Precio para miembros
Nonmember Price

90 Días a partir de la Inscripción
  • Nivel del Curso: Intermediate

  • Tiempo del Curso

    20-24 Hours
  • Certificado Obtenido

  • Inscripción continua

    Acceso durante 90 Días


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